Is an innovative online legal platform for citizens to access legal information that is easily understandable. We facilitate citizens selecting barristers based on their specific areas of law, work experience and reviews.

Online platforms bear great potential to promote access to justice to the broader community. It has been particularly significant for those who previously may not have access to justice, perhaps when seeking free legal information or legal advice. With the emergence of online legal platforms, many people in our communities can now easily access legal information and seek legal advice.

Whilst social networking through websites such as LinkedIn and Twitter assist lawyers to connect, collaborate and communicate, this is beneficial to professional growth, networking, and participating in topical discussions.

Access to law and justice is a fundamental right and a core element of our Constitution.

Our Constitution guarantees that everyone has the right to approach an independent and impartial tribunal to assert their rights in a fair hearing. A requirement for adequate legal protection is that contentious legal relationships be resolved within a reasonable time frame. Everyone has the right to be advised or represented by a barrister of their choice.

All citizens are entitled to adequate information on the justice system and the means to enforce their rights. Professional members of our legal system should ensure that these fundamental principles of our justice systems are also comprehensively applied in the conditions created by digital transformation.

Consumers of legal services

IIt is high time that digital services become established in the marketplace in the legal advice sector.

These include information and search portals on the internet that help consumers of legal services find free legal information and search for a barrister. The use of digital tools and the range of new digital services on offer can enable and improve access to justice for citizens. Full access to free legal information could be facilitated around the clock, making the law more comprehensible. The judiciary’s effectiveness could be increased and consequently reduce costs. The quality of legal advice and court decisions could be improved, while processes could be standardised and ultimately accelerated.

At the same time, we also see that digitalisation is driving the trend towards further commercialisation and privatisation of law enforcement, creating new challenges for state-run justice systems. There is a growing expectation that the judiciary should get on an equal footing with technological developments. And this is without compromising on quality or overlooking the risks digitalisation may entail for the rights and freedoms of individuals.


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